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[nectar_dropcap color=”#3f59ff”]E [/nectar_dropcap]Each year since 1999, May has been proclaimed Military Appreciation Month. It’s a great time to say “thank you” to military servicemembers and their families, past and present, and to honor those who have died in the service of our country.

No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation.

Gen. Douglas MacArthur
  • May 11 is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Observed annually since 1984, Military Spouse Appreciation Day celebrates the commitment and sacrifices that military spouses make to support our country’s servicemembers.
  • May 19 is Armed Forces Day. Dating back to 1949, Armed Forces Day pays tribute to current servicemembers and their dedication to duty and patriotic service.
  • May 28 is Memorial Day. Observed since just after the Civil War, Memorial Day honors servicemembers who have died serving our country.